Heavy Metals in Baby Food – What Should You Know?

You might have heard that the US House Committee on Oversight and Reforms has issued a report that claims some commercial baby foods contain dangerous levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury. This could be an alarming concern, but what should you know about heavy metals found in baby food?  Four companies, Nurture, Beech-Nut, Hain, […]

Sources of Aluminum Toxicity and How to Avoid It

Toxic metal poisoning can occur after overexposure to a variety of metals, including aluminum, which is a common metal used in many aspects of modern life. Aluminum toxicity occurs when an individual ingests or breathes higher than normal levels of aluminum. Since aluminum is the most bountiful metal in Earth’s crust, avoiding it is close […]

Lead Poisoning: Exposure and Symptoms

In 1978, the U.S. federal government banned the use of lead-based paint over health concerns. If you live or work in a building in the United States that was painted before 1978, there’s a chance you may have been exposed to lead-based paint. Lead is one of the leading causes of environmental contamination, but exposure […]

What Are the Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning?

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Heavy metal poisoning can be an overlooked, under diagnosed concern for many individuals. The symptoms caused by toxic metals in the body can vary greatly depending on many factors, most importantly, the type of metal one is exposed to and the amount of that metal that has built up in the body’s system. Young children, […]

Another Vaping Danger: Toxic Metal Poisoning

EDTA Chelation Therapy

It is becoming more apparent that vaping isn’t a safe alternative to smoking. In 2019, doctors found that vaping, and vaping THC specifically, has the same potential of causing lung damage as smoking cigarettes. This damage comes in the form of introducing toxic metals into the body, possibly causing toxic metal poisoning.  E-liquids become aerosols […]

Mercury Poisoning and Pregnancy—What Do You Need to Know?

EDTA Chelation Therapy

If you’ve ever been pregnant, your doctor has probably warned you about avoiding the consumption of seafood during your pregnancy, with one purpose in mind—eliminating the possibility of mercury poisoning.  Mercury is a naturally occurring element found in our environment, including some of the foods we eat. In particular, a certain level of mercury is […]

Is Arsenic Poisoning a Thing of the Past?

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Throughout literature and history, arsenic has been the poison of choice. This naturally occurring element has been a murder and suicide weapon since the Middle Ages. What is arsenic and in this modern world we live in, has arsenic poisoning become a thing of the past? The answer is no. Around the globe, people are […]

Chelation Therapy and Its Use in the Treatment of Diabetes

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Diabetes is a major health risk, complicating the lives of millions of Americans. One in seven adults lives with this disease, and a major percentage of diabetic deaths can be attributed to coronary disease or peripheral artery disease as a contributing factor. Along with the risk associated with high blood sugar, diabetes can have a […]

The Benefits of a Magnesium Oil Supplement

EDTA Chelation Therapy

What is magnesium and what benefits would a magnesium oil supplement bring to your life? Magnesium is an element found naturally in many common food sources. Magnesium’s nutritional value is extensive, and the reduction of magnesium in one’s diet could have lasting effects on health and overall quality of life.  Like many nutrients, magnesium is […]

The Importance of Macrominerals

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Are your bones, heart, muscles, and brain important to you? Few of us would say no, yet, poor dietary choices have caused chronic nutrient and mineral deficiencies in the human population to grow at rapid rates. Specifically, insufficient amounts of minerals critical to the body’s ability to function at optimal levels are causing health concerns […]

About Supplements: Did You Know…?

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Dietary supplements are taken orally to provide or boost the amount of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, omega 3s, and amino acids in the body’s system. Despite supplements being a common part of many people’s healthcare regimen, others might have some questions about what supplements are and why they might be a valuable part of your […]

Chronic Nutrient Deficiencies: Why Supplements Matter

EDTA Chelation Therapy

All living things, from humans to fungi, require nutrients to survive. Nutrients provide the vitamins, proteins, healthy fats, amino acids, and minerals needed for bodies to grow, reproduce, and flourish. Poor diet and sedentary lifestyles in a technological world have taken their toll on the way our bodies receive nutrients. A healthy diet rich in […]

How To Use Chelation EDTA Cream

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Most people don’t take the time to wonder how many unnatural or dangerous materials that they have in their bodies. It isn’t something you’d usually consider, or actively worry about; that is until you’re faced with the associated health complications. If poisonous metals such as lead, iron, arsenic, and mercury reside in your body for […]

Heavy Metal Detox: Foods, Symptoms, & Treatments

Heavy Metal Detox: Foods, Symptoms, & Treatments

Heavy Metal Detox A Question of Clean Every responsible car owner knows that in order to ensure proper engine function, a routine oil-change must take place. Dirt, impurities, and even tiny metal fragments build up over the course of driving. In no time at all, you’ll find that it’s not just oil that needs replacing […]

5 Experts on Heavy Metal Detox Tactics

Toxic Heavy Metal Removal

5 Experts on Heavy Metal Detox Tactics It’s a sad fact that our bodies absorb or ingest heavy metals all the time. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the paints we touch, and even the beauty products we use. Arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, copper, lead, and mercury to just name a […]

Chronic Illness, The Immune System, & The Impact of Heavy Metals

Toxic Heavy Metal Removal

Heavy metals such as aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic can be found all around us in our day to day lives (A topic we’ve touched on previously in this forum, The Hazards of Heavy Metal Contamination). These toxic heavy metals are prevalent in the food we eat, the water we drink, materials we use […]

A 3 Minute Overview of Chelation Therapy

Since you’re reading this article, we will assume you’ve probably heard of chelation therapy in some form or manner, but maybe you’re still not exactly sure what it is and what its benefits can be. So we wanted to put together a quick overview of what it is, how it works, why people do it, […]

The Hazards of Heavy Metal Contamination

5 Hazardous Heavy Metal InfoGraphic

All of our EDTA Chelation products here at Chelation Health Products are designed with the goal to detoxify our client’s bodies from the toxins introduced by heavy metals, into their system. With that in mind we’ve decided to provide a brief review to outline the hazards associated with heavy metals, and the potential harm they […]

Chelation Suppositories: Safe, Effective, and Affordable

EDTA chelation suppositories, 4 benefits over IV chelation therapy, safe, inexpensive, effective, convenient

Chelation suppositories have emerged as a great alternative to traditional IV Chelation therapies. Heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, and more are all around us in our daily lives, and if found in excess, can be extremely harmful to our bodies. In fact, some of the most dangerous emerging diseases threatening our society […]

What is Heavy Metal Detox & How it Can Improve Your Health

Heavy Metal Detox - Healthy Living

In Trying Times, Staying Healthy Has Never Been More Important It’s no secret, we’re living in a very trying time, filled with uncertainty, sickness, and grief. As a society we’re facing issues that we’ve never encountered before, and for many it can feel overwhelming. That’s why our team at Chelation health Products wanted to provide […]

What are Toxic Heavy Metal Contact Points?

Toxic Heavy Metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum and Arsenic are ubiquitous in our environment as they have have been used in many different industries over the past several hundred years from heavy manufacturing, to consumer products and even personal products. Due to this proliferation of the use of these toxins there are many places where […]

Toxic Metals in Vaccines?

Vaccines have saved the lives of millions of people around the world plus they have mitigated and almost cured many diseases like polio, chicken pox and small pox. Even though many vaccines have been hugely important to the overall health of humanity they are not perfect and have been linked to developmental  issues like Autism. […]

KelaminHM and Medicardium: Which is More Effective?


EDTA was first formulated in the late 1930’s and the form they came up with was Disodium EDTA.Researchers found that this form of EDTA would, or so they thought at the time, remove Calcium plaque deposits in the human circulatory system. Later they found that the EDTA actually removed toxic heavy metals like Mercury, Aluminum […]

KelaminHM, Detoxamin and Kelatox-Which is the Most Effective and Best Value?

EDTA was first manufactured in 1935 by Ferdinand Münz and was used to clean the calcium deposits in container barrels at ship yards and the Disodium EDTA form he used had a solid affinity for Calcium. Several years later scientists, who figured if it would remove calcium from barrels it might do the same for […]