Mercury Poisoning and Pregnancy—What Do You Need to Know?

EDTA Chelation Therapy

If you’ve ever been pregnant, your doctor has probably warned you about avoiding the consumption of seafood during your pregnancy, with one purpose in mind—eliminating the possibility of mercury poisoning. 

Mercury is a naturally occurring element found in our environment, including some of the foods we eat. In particular, a certain level of mercury is found in most seafood. Mercury poisoning increases over time as the mercury builds up in the body. People of all ages are susceptible to mercury poisoning, but if mercury poisoning occurs, it is particularly dangerous for certain groups of individuals, including pregnant women and their unborn babies.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning appear gradually and may be imperceptible in the beginning stages. Increased anxiety, cognitive problems, depression, and irritability are all signs of mercury poisoning. Physically, someone suffering these symptoms may also experience tremors and numbness, changes in vision, difficulties with muscular coordination, and changes in hearing or speech. Consult with a physician if you experience these conditions to get a clinical diagnosis, which will consist of an exam and blood or urine tests.

The consumption of seafood is one of the most common causes of mercury poisoning, as all seafood contains some level of mercury. This is why pregnant women and other at-risk groups are cautioned to avoid eating seafood. The highest amounts of mercury are found in shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and marlin, and these should be consumed sparingly. Even if not pregnant, it is recommended that other types of seafood be eaten only once every two weeks. Common foods such as anchovies, catfish, albacore tuna, shrimp, and salmon are in this category. Because mercury is found naturally in all seafood products, doctors recommend avoiding all seafood during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. 

For those suffering the effects of mercury poisoning, Chelation Health Products offers a selection of EDTA Chelation products to remove toxic elements from the body. Contact us today to see if these products are the right choice for you!