Battling Aging and Dry Macular Degeneration

EDTA Chelation Therapy

The natural aging process makes us more aware of the changes in our bodies as natural functions begin the process of deteriorating with age. It can be confusing, worrying, and in some instances, alarming, because for most of us, we aren’t fully aware of the changes we may experience as we age. One common disorder we face as we grow older is macular degeneration. 

Macular degeneration is a slow eye disorder, common in people over 50, that causes blurred or reduced vision as a result of the thinning of the macula, a part of the eye’s retina that allows us to see a clear, direct line of sight. There are two types of macular degeneration: dry and wet. 

Vision loss from dry macular degeneration doesn’t mean you are losing your sight. The loss of vision is centralized with no changes occurring with your peripheral vision. You may first notice a change of vision in one eye, or both eyes at the same time. Reading, driving, and the ability to recognize faces may worsen as the degeneration increases. People experience varying levels of loss, from mild to severe. 

As we age, it’s important to pay attention to these changes in our vision and take a proactive approach to treating them so the loss of vision is delayed for as long as possible. Consult with your physician or optometrist if you notice changes in your central vision or a reduction in your ability to see fine details or color definitions. You may also benefit from the EDTA Chelation therapy products available from Chelation Health Products, which assist in circulation and help reduce toxic chemicals in the body, and have also been used successfully to treat conditions such as macular degeneration. Contact us today to find the right chelation product for you!