Chelation F.A.Q

Information to help you make informed decisions about chelation.

Chelation Answers

Chelation Therapy is the use of a chelating substance that binds with and removes toxins from your body.

Natural Chelators include cilantro, chlorella, selenium, garlic, and vitamin C. While these natural Chelators are somewhat effective, they are nowhere near as effective as EDTA in removing a wide range of toxins.

The most common and effective chelators are EDTA, DMSA, and DMSO. DMSA is primarily used to remove lead from the body but usually needs to be taken under a doctor’s supervision due to its caustic nature. DMSO is used to remove mercury, but similar to DMSA should be taken under a doctor’s care. However, EDTA removes the widest range of toxic heavy metals, including lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and arsenic. EDTA removes lead and mercury more effectively than DMSA and DMSO. It’s also deemed very safe and can be used without a prescription or a doctor’s supervision.

Not directly, no. Research has shown that when toxic heavy metals are removed from the body, other contaminants, such as yeast and candida, will follow.

No. Toxic heavy metals can settle into your organs’ soft tissue and even in your bones, so there is no way to eliminate all of them. In fact, lead has been found to absorb into bones, making them more brittle. Plus, there are numerous contact points for toxic heavy metals. But the goal should be to remove as many of them as possible and avoid contact points.

About 15% of users can expect adverse detox reactions like fatigue, headaches, nausea, and minor flu-like symptoms as the toxic metals are released from the body. But many people will experience increased energy, clarity of thought, and lower blood pressure caused by the removal of the toxins.

Oral EDTA, while inexpensive, is highly ineffective as over 95% of the EDTA will be destroyed in the digestive tract before it can be utilized. I.V. EDTA infusions are very effective as 100% of the EDTA is absorbed, but the EDTA runs through the system in about an hour and a half. Unfortunately, EDTA infusions can be expensive, time-consuming, and inconvenient as a healthcare professional must administer them. KelaminHM EDTA suppositories are 95% absorbed into the bloodstream and stay in the body for up to 8 hours, giving the EDTA a longer time to work. Comparatively, they cost over 70% less than I.V. EDTA and are used in the privacy of your home.

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