Heavy Metal Detox and Your Diet

EDTA Chelation Therapy

If you are using chelation therapy to treat toxic heavy metal poisoning, adjusting your diet might also be a helpful factor in maintaining your overall health. While there is not a scientifically proven diet to support heavy metal detoxification, some foods are believed to assist in the process and provide overall health support to your system. Certain foods electrically attract metal and can take some of the metal with them when eliminated from the body through the digestive process. Garlic, cilantro, curry, and tomatoes are among these foods, as well as barley grass juice powder, wild blueberries, and green tea. Some probiotics and even lemon water are also believed to cleanse the body of metal toxins.* Be sure to consult your physician before making drastic dietary changes.

Consequently, some foods should be eliminated from your diet, particularly processed foods and excess fats. It’s also a good idea to limit or avoid certain foods in your heavy metal detox diet, including brown rice (known for higher quantities of arsenic) and some varieties of fish, notably shark, swordfish and mackerel. Choose fish that are lower in mercury such as salmon, shrimp, cod, and sardines.*

In addition to better food choices, adding supplements to your diet is another option for dealing with the effects of metal poisoning. A lack of vitamin B, B-6, and C can leave the body vulnerable, creating a condition making the body more susceptible to metal poisoning. Vitamin C supplements appear to have an effect on iron, and one animal study showed vitamin B-1 could have an effect on iron as well.

Supplement your chelation therapy treatment for toxic metal poisoning by making dietary choices that will support your health journey and help detoxify your system. Consult your physician to see if these options are right for you. Chelation Health Products offers a variety of chelation therapy products that help cleanse the body of toxic metals. Reach out to us today if you have questions about chelation therapy or any of our products.