EDTA Chelation: 3 Methods With Different Benefits Compared

Chelation EDTA Blog Info

Since the late 1940’s EDTA Chelation has been the most effective way to remove the widest range of toxic heavy metals from your body and limit the damage those metals can do and the health issues and diseases they help cause. EDTA helps remove a wide range of toxic heavy metals including Mercury, Lead, Aluminum, […]

Vaping, E-Cigarettes and Toxic Heavy Metals

vaping health detox

For decades we have known all about the horrible and long lasting side effects of cigarette smoking and warnings have been placed on cigarette packs for just about as long. Lung Cancer, Emphysema and Throat Cancer have killed millions of people and injured many, many more. The ingestion of tar, lead, arsenic, cadmium and other […]

What Are The Basics of Chelation Therapy?


Essentially, chelation therapy involves introducing certain organic chemicals in the body to promote a particular chemical reaction. The end goal of encouraging this reaction is the removal of toxic heavy metals from the body, commonly referred to as “detoxing.” Because of this ability, chelation is a common treatment for heavy-metal poisoning, most notably from lead. […]

The Prostate and EDTA Chelation

Chelation EDTA Blog Info

The Prostate gland serves several important functions in humans and is vital to a healthy elimination system and sexual function. The Prostate sits near the origin of the urethra, below the bladder, is the size of a walnut and donut-shaped. It produces prostate fluid which is one the primary components of semen and helps to […]

What is EDTA and what does it do?

heart beat

EDTA or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acetate is a man-made amino acid that is widely used in canned and processed foods and in a wide range of other consumer products as well. EDTA has been used in our food supply and consumer products for decades providing much needed benefits. What is the history of EDTA and why is […]

Chelation Therapy: Why is it not more well known?

Chelation Therapy has been around since the late 1940’s and has been in constant use since, why do most people not even know what it is let alone benefit from its use? For me the primary reason that Chelation Therapy especially EDTA  Chelation Therapy is not more widely known or used is due directly to […]

Studies do show that EDTA Chelation is safe and effective

If you call the American Medical Association or ask your Doctor if Chelation Therapy can help with high blood pressure, unclog arteries, relieve Hypertension, improve Heart Disease or any number of health issues caused by toxic heavy metals chances are they will report that no studies have been done to document effectiveness of this treatment. […]

Why is EDTA Chelation not more accepted or popular?

EDTA chelation has been in use since the late 1940’s and while it has helped millions of people improve their health it is still unknown to the vast majority of people in the U.S. and around the world. For something that is so very helpful to everyone and with very little downside why isn’t it […]

KelaminHM: Dosage and Usage Recommendations

KelaminHM 1500mg Detox Safely

KelaminHM is the most effective EDTA Chelation product on the market today and probably the most effective chelator period. EDTA has been in constant use since the 1950’s and has helped millions of people around the world with heavy metal toxicity, circulatory issues, many degenerative diseases and other ailments. For decades I.V. EDTA infusions were […]

Cadmium Toxicity and EDTA Chelation

Cadmium is an extremely toxic heavy metal that is found most commonly in zinc ores and almost all of the Cadmium available today came from treating Copper, Lead and Zinc ores. Over 60 percent of Cadmium is used in electroplating but Cadmium is also used in color tv tubes, many types of solder, industrial paints, […]

Mercury toxicity and EDTA Chelation

Mercury is an element that is found naturally in the Earth’s crust and is present in our air, water and quite often in our food. It takes several forms including elemental Mercury, in-organic and organic Mercury. All are harmful to some extent to humans but some are much more harmful than others. When Mercury is […]

Detoxifying reactions using EDTA Chelation

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Detoxification is the process of removing pollutants, bacteria and toxins including toxic heavy metals from your body. Your body is constantly detoxifying and removing these dangerous contaminants and it has a variety of ways that it does this. The primary pathways for detoxification in your body are the Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Lungs, Skin and the […]

Calcium, Calcification, and Arterial Plaque-The Same? Not!


During my 15 years of working in the dietary supplement, health and Chelation sectors I am asked quite a few different questions on a daily basis and spend quite a bit of time clarifying misconceptions that are pervasive in our society. I encounter everything from is Chelation Therapy safe? Is it effective for exactly what […]

Aluminum Toxicity – A serious health issue


We live in an increasingly toxic environment with massive emissions from mining and coal-fired energy plants, chemicals released into the air or dumped into our waterways from manufacturing, trash deposited on road sides or left to accumulate in dumps, chemicals in our food and even our drinking water. This has been going on for centuries […]

KelaminHM Cream: Effective, convenient and inexpensive!

Kelacream Chlation Creme

KelaminHM Cream is our newest EDTA Chelation product to come to market and it has made quite an immediate impact. KelaminHM Cream unlike KelaminHM suppositories is absorbed through the skin where it enters the blood stream to help remove toxic heavy metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum and Arsenic form your body. We know that the […]

Chemicals in Chemtrails: Toxic metals and other pollutants from aerosol spraying are damaging our environment and ourselves!

Skyline at dusk with contrails across sky

Chemicals in Chemtrails: Toxic metals and other pollutants from aerosol spraying are damaging our environment and ourselves! The past couple of decades has seen the rise of chemtrails from aircraft that at times will criss/cross our skies and not dissipate for hours. Normal contrails are just water vapor that forms behind planes at high altitudes […]

Lead in Consumer Products


Lead is a soft malleable metal that is a very dangerous and powerful neurotoxin that affects many parts of our bodies including the nervous system. There have been many studies involving lead exposure and toxicity and it has been found that lead exposure is associated with decreased intelligence, reduced short-term memory, reading disabilities, deficits in […]

The Endothelium-What is it and what does it do?


Once thought to be inert, over the past few decades Health Professionals and researchers have found that the endothelium performs several major functions including regulating blood flow, blood clotting, barrier to the transvascular diffusion of liquids, vasodilation and vasoconstriction-hence the control of blood pressure, coagulation of blood at the site of a trauma, inflammation and […]