Vaping, E-Cigarettes and Toxic Heavy Metals

vaping health detox

For decades we have known all about the horrible and long lasting side effects of cigarette smoking and warnings have been placed on cigarette packs for just about as long. Lung Cancer, Emphysema and Throat Cancer have killed millions of people and injured many, many more. The ingestion of tar, lead, arsenic, cadmium and other toxins built up over time and caused some of the most deadly diseases know to Man. To help get away from the toxic cigarettes many people of have turned to Vaping or E-cigarettes but did you know that vaping may not be the safe alternative you have heard it is. According to a recent study by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health e-cigarettes can contain toxic levels of heavy metals including Chromium, Nickel and Lead. All are neurotoxins and are dangerous at even very low levels plus like they do from cigarettes these toxins build up in your circulatory system over time and can cause severe health issues. Not all E-cigarettes contain these heavy metal toxins but many so if you do vape please find out ALL the ingredients in what you are taking into your body. Read the label or if you still have questions contact the manufacturer directly.

If you do vape you will need help to remove the toxins that are building up in your body and an effective Chelator is the most effective and safest way to go. There are many different Chelators on the market today but by far the most effective are those that contain EDTA. EDTA Chelation helps to remove the widest range of toxic heavy metals like the ones mentioned above but also Mercury, Aluminum and Arsenic.The EDTA in KelaminHM removes the widest range of toxic heavy metals, safely and effectively, than any Chelation product.

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