What is EDTA and what does it do?

heart beat

EDTA or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acetate is a man-made amino acid that is widely used in canned and processed foods and in a wide range of other consumer products as well. EDTA has been used in our food supply and consumer products for decades providing much needed benefits.

What is the history of EDTA and why is it used in such a wide array of products?

EDTA was first manufactured in 1935 and was important due to its ability to bind with metal ions but was not widely used until the 1960’s. One of the earliest uses of EDTA was to remove calcified deposits in barrels at ship yards. Its use in humans started in the late 1940’s when it was thought to help “roto-rooter” calcium plaque from the circulatory system and help with heart disease and clogged arteries. That was the beginning of EDTA Chelation therapy. But its use in consumer products on a wide scale did not start until the late 1960’s. EDTA is on the FDA’s GRAS(Generally regarded as safe) list so it is considered safe to use in our food supply and consumer products.

EDTA has many beneficial uses in commercially processed foods due to its ability to bind with a wide range of metal ions including Lead, Iron, Mercury and Aluminum. EDTA attaches to and basically envelopes the metal ions making them inert and ineffective. When the EDTA binds with a metal ion it keeps it from causing the food to spoil or discolor more quickly or artificial colors to break down. EDTA also helps to maintain the color of dried egg powder, maintains the flavor of milk and its keeps condensed milk from thickening It also acts as an antioxidant to help keep packaged meat from turning brown. EDTA also helps to keep foods from going rancid, losing their flavor or color which helps them improve their shelf life on grocery store shelves. Heavy metals like Copper and Iron are found in dressings and sauces like salad dressing and mayonnaise and will degrade the fats and oils, which then changes the flavor of the product making it sellable.

Now, EDTA is a primary ingredient in a very wide array of consumer products including many cosmetics, household cleaners, skin and hair care products. EDTA’s ability to bind with metal ions help it to preserve and stabilize solutions and purify products especially when contaminated tap water has been used. Just like in canned food EDTA will bind with metals in whatever product it is in and envelope it so it becomes inert. Basically EDTA is used as a preservative and helps products extend their shelf life.

Most people know of EDTA through EDTA Chelation and its ability to remove toxic heavy metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum and Cadmium from your body. EDTA Chelation has been known to help with many health challenges including high blood pressure, angina, athleriosclerosis and Alzheimers. The most effective way to receive EDTA Chelation is with KelaminHM Suppositories that are more effective and cost efficient than either I.V. EDTA infusions or Oral EDTA products.