Interview with Developer of KelaminHM, Ronald E. Partain Sr. RPh.


Ronald E. Partain Sr., graduated from the University of Arizona Pharmacy School in June of 1968. After graduation he served his country in the US Army as an officer from 1968 to 71 serving one tour in Vietnam. Mr. Partain started his own pharmacy practice in 1974 and always strove to be a pioneer. In 1979, he completed a clinical pharmacy course at the University of Southern California. In 1984, he began a compounding practice and was one of only five compounding pharmacists in the state of California working with various types of hormone and pain medicines. In 1996, Mr. Partain crated a vitamin and food supplement section in his pharmacy believing the industry was heading in that direction and subsequently completed his Certification as a clinical nutritionist (CCN) in 2000.
His focus now is really multifaceted as he looks at helping people understand their hormones and the relationship of exercise, diet and proper nutrition, enhancing cellular energy and cleansing for overall well being. Mr. Partain also takes serious interest in detoxification of heavy metals and other environmental toxins, enhancing and improving body energy at the cellular level and optimizing the health and function of the intestinal tract, liver, kidneys and adrenal system.

Q: How did you ever come up with the idea of creating a suppository for removing heavy metals from the body.

RP: I was approached by a very forward thinking doctor about putting the active ingredient ethelene diamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) from intravenous or IV chelation into a suppository as a way of treating children in less fortunate parts of the world who suffered from lead poisoning. He theorized that if the primary purpose of putting EDTA directly into the blood stream through an IV was the most critical aspect of chelation therapy, it should also be possible to do it through a suppository. If his theory was correct, it could open the door to treat a vast number of people, who up to that point had no other option that to deal with the lead poisoning and ultimately parish.

Q: Did the doctor’s theory prove to be true?

RP: Oh yes! We did some testing, we found that the EDTA suppositories were very effective in removing not just lead, but mercury, arsenic and other harmful metals like aluminum, cadmium and nickel, although it’s more difficult to get chelate the latter three. And not just in children, that was almost as big a find. This process was highly effective for adults too.

Q: How long did it take you to develop the formula?

RP: (laughs) It wasn’t easy! We would create some, try them, tweak the formula, try them again and so on. This process lasted a long time, I probably spent two years on it in total.

Q: Wow, Two years?!

RP: Yes…it seems so simple now, but looking back, it was a very complicated process of trial and error.

Q: You mentioned the most important aspect of EDTA chelation was being introduced directly into the blood, why?

RP: EDTA is a synthetic amino acid, and a preservative found in almost everything at the grocery store. It is very effective at binding with heavy metals but is also too delicate to withstand the acidic environment in the gastro intestinal system. For EDTA to work it must be introduced directly into the blood and there are only two ways to do that, one I.V., which is invasive and requires the supervision of a physician, or through a suppository.

Q: You talked about lead poisoning, is EDTA good for removing other metals?

RP: Yes, when we did testing on the suppositories, we didn’t just screen for lead, we also screened for other metals like mercury, nickel cadmium, aluminum, arsenic and even uranium. It was discovered that EDTA was a very good broad range chelator.

Q: What is so important about removing heavy metals from the body?

RP: Heavy metals have been liked to many common health challenges, including cancer, candida, cardiovascular ailments, arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Also many neurological diseases, including depression, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease have been strongly associated with heavy metal exposure. Heavy metals can even accelerate the aging process simply because their presence promotes free radical formation, which causes cellular death.

Q: What are the advantages of KelaminHM over I.V. chelation

RP: There are many actually, the three main advantages are: 1) It’s non invasive, therefore no prescription is required and subsequently no need for supervision by a medical doctor. 2) It saves time and money, IV Chelation is time consuming and can often take a half a day out of patients schedule once to twice a week depending on how often they receive treatment. IV chelation can also cost on average $100 per treatment with a baseline treatment of 30, you’re looking at $3000 for just the IV’s. That doesn’t include lab work to ensure proper organ function and travel time to and from the clinic nor lost wages from taking the time out of the day to receive the treatment. 3) KelaminHM is done at night while you sleep, which is the best time for the EDTA to circulate in the body. During the night, the EDTA has less metabolic competition and moves through the blood more slowly allowing it more time to be effective than if it were done during waking hours.

Q: Who do you recommend KelaminHM to where you practice?

RP: Everyone!

Q: Why Everyone?

RP: Toxic heavy metals are dangerous to the human body and every person in the world has been and is being exposed to them. It’s simply a matter of fact.

Q: How do you convince your patients they need KelaminHM?

RP: I tell my patients that they can’t just pretend toxic heavy metals are a myth and continue with life as though everything is ok. Toxic heavy metals, if not removed, can cause a lot of damage as I spoke of previously.

Q: How do you overcome the challenge of the product being a suppository and rectal route of administration?

RP: Honestly, in my professional experience, if I recommend this to a patient, they take my advice and will use them. It’s not as challenging as you might think. When you lay out the advantages of removing toxic heavy metals compared with the stigmatism of a suppository, it’s a no brainer. Patients want to be well, if this well help them, they will do it.

Q: How would you recommend other health care professionals to get their patients started with KelaminHM?

RP: It is simple! Setup an account, Chelation Health Products offers many services for health care professionals including educational brochures to hand to patients, phone support and will even drop ship orders if you don’t wish to stock the product in your clinic.

Mr. Partain, thank you for taking the time today to discuss KelaminHM, I know you have spent a substantial amount of your professional career on this project.
RP: My pleasure, I enjoyed sharing.