Heavy Metal Detox: Foods, Symptoms, & Treatments

Heavy Metal Detox: Foods, Symptoms, & Treatments

Heavy Metal Detox

A Question of Clean

Every responsible car owner knows that in order to ensure proper engine function, a routine oil-change must take place. Dirt, impurities, and even tiny metal fragments build up over the course of driving. In no time at all, you’ll find that it’s not just oil that needs replacing but filters as well. Depending on your automobile, your mechanic may even recommend an engine-cleaning additive. Now imagine taking care of your body with the same level of responsibility and attentiveness in which you treat your car.

Just like an engine, impurities and toxins have the ability to build up inside your body – and in recent years, awareness has grown concerning the specific topic of Heavy Metal Poisoning. This particularly insidious form of poisoning can be terrifying, but there are steps you can take to ensure your safety. Not unlike changing your car’s old, dirty oil for cleaner material, it is possible to cleanse your body of heavy metal toxins in a number of ways!

Heavy Metal Poisoning

A Very Heavy Topic

What is probably most scary about poisoning by toxic heavy metals is the fact that it can happen very slowly over time, even if you aren’t aware of it. Heavy metals can be found in nearly every environment – in the dirt outside your home, in the air you breathe, and even in the food you eat or water you drink. [1] Small amounts can get stuck inside your body and remain undetected for years, going completely unnoticed until their levels are high enough to cause the symptoms of various illnesses. It is for this reason that they are considered so dangerous: you may never even know you have them inside you until it is too late.

Types of Heavy Metals

Heavy metals are dense minerals found in both nature and manufactured goods. While they may serve a purpose in the products they are used to make, they have one thing in common: they can be toxic when ingested by humans. Some of the major culprits that most well known in causing health issues amongst humans are:

  • Aluminum- found in processed foods, cosmetics, and even some medications
  • Lead- older infrastructure, paints, and dyes used a lot of this substance
  • Mercury- present in many kinds of seafood and shellfish
  • Cadmium- used in smelting, refining, and manufacturing materials
  • Arsenic- can be sourced in fertilizer, food crops, industrial waste, and tobacco products
  • Nickel- a common surface coating on everyday metal products
  • Luckily, there are a number of ways to get tested, treated, and even cleansed of heavy metal toxins.

Symptoms and Signs of Heavy Metal Toxicity

The Truth Will Come Out

Sadly, most people are unaware of the danger these substances pose and therefore do not seek testing or treatment. They can cause a myriad of health issues, some minor, and some potentially deadly – and oftentimes they can go completely unnoticed until adverse health effects have begun to take place. [2] Some of the more minor symptoms they can cause are dizziness, constipation, loss of energy, skin irritation, and simple “mental fog.” Anyone or a few of these coupled together may be ignored, excused as something else, or simply overlooked because they don’t seem severe. However, many of the more severe side effects of heavy metal poisoning can be terrifying. Heavier exposures can be linked to serious side effects like infertility, depression, kidney or liver failure, memory loss, and decreased brain function. Given time, chronic exposure to heavy metal neurotoxins can even lead to chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and even death. Fortunately, you can be tested.

Heavy Metal Blood Test

If you suspect that you or someone else is experiencing heavy metal poisoning, it is important that you seek a visit with a healthcare professional. A simple blood test will be able to show fairly quickly if toxic metals are present. A Dr. or Nurse will take a small amount of blood – usually from the arm – and examine it. It is a quick, relatively painless procedure, and poses virtually no risk from complications due to its routine nature. A blood test can be performed in a Dr.’s Office, or you may even be able to request a home visit by a nurse. Depending on the results of your blood test, further testing may be needed – but don’t let that stop you! It is a quick, safe, and easy way to answer the main question, “Do I have heavy metal poisoning?”

Heavy Metal Detox Diet

You Are What You Eat

Once you become aware of the danger heavy metal toxins pose to your body and mind, the next important step is the detoxification of toxic elements. This can be done naturally through a heavy metal detox, which can take place in a number of different ways. One of the easiest and most effective ways to cleanse your body of these impurities is through the adoption of a heavy metal detox diet.

Heavy Metal Detox Recommended Foods

We recommend the following foods for maximum detox potential:

  • Lemons: Once in the stomach, they can kick start detoxification by shocking digestive enzymes into action. Because they are so high in Vitamin C, they can also help remove toxins from the body naturally.
  • Broccoli: Green, hearty vegetables like broccoli florets and broccoli sprouts are rich in chlorophyll. This will help increase blood-oxygenation levels and strengthen your blood cells.
  • Garlic: Another superfood that contains sulfur, which has been known to naturally cleanse the system of heavy metals such as lead and arsenic. Also great for liver function and the immune system!
  • Blueberries: These little superfoods act with an antiviral effect because of their high levels of antioxidants. There is also research that suggests they not only great for the nervous system but also help your brain’s lymphatic system by boosting its cleansing potential.
  • Whey Protein: An important source of cysteine, a sulfur-based amino acid that begins a natural, detoxification process. Great for leeching your digestive system of heavy metal.
  • Dried Oregano: This super tasty herb is crammed full of flavonoids. It’s effective at stopping free radicals from forming the bonds that cause them to poison the body.
  • Green Tea: Not only a great source of antioxidants but this type of tea is also flavonoid heavy. When coupled with other foods listed here, the natural chelation process begins working overtime on your gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rosemary Oil: A delicious addition to any meal, this floods the circulatory system with little sponges that soaks up heavy metal toxins. This will support effective, natural, heavy metal detox!

For more information about naturally eliminating the toxins found in heavy metals, check out a longer list of foods and products from experts who have researched them at 5 Experts on Heavy Metal Detox Tactics

Heavy Metal Foods to Avoid

It may not surprise you to learn that in addition to adopting a diet rich in foods that can help with heavy metal detoxification, it is also important to avoid foods that pose the risk of being laden with heavy metals. Depending on the environment in which the food was obtained, toxic metals could pose a substantial risk. [3] Sushi and sashimi, while delicious, often contain raw fish that may contain high levels of mercury. If the human body consumes a large enough dosage of mercury, it can lead to a number of health and neurological disorders through the central nervous system. Also, brown rice has been known to contain significantly larger amounts of arsenic than its paler counterpart, white rice. It is theorized that this deadly chemical is absorbed through the water and soil the rice is grown in, and then condensed in its exterior, lending to the rice’s dark coloring. If possible, avoid raw fish and stick to white rice in order to lower the risk of heavy metals.

Heavy Metal Treatments

Solutions in Sight

You can be careful in your everyday life by avoiding contact with heavy metals – and you may even adopt a diet that will ensure a natural heavy metal detox. These are both excellent steps towards a healthy life, safe from the dangers of heavy metal toxins. However, there is one additional measure you can take to be as certain as one can be that you are safe from harm: chelation therapy.

Chelation is a word that means “to grab,” or “to bind,” and that is exactly what it does. Chelation therapy is a cleansing process where certain medicinal substances are taken. Once introduced to the body, they travel through your various systems, “grabbing” or “binding” the trace elements of heavy metals you may have stored inside. [4] Once they’ve done this, they are then harmlessly passed out of the body in the form of waste, taking the toxins with them.

Treatment Types

Chelation Therapy was first developed over 70 years ago. It is a time-tested method that is best in ensuring that your body is free from the dangers of heavy metals, and it can be accomplished through a number of methods:

  • IV – During a visit with a healthcare professional, a needle is placed in the arm, through which drugs are administered to the body.
  • Topical cream – Once rubbed into the skin, the cream’s particles enter the bloodstream, and travel through the body.
  • Oral pill – Like most forms of medicine, this pill is swallowed. Once in the stomach, it is digested and travels through the body.
  • Suppository – Medicine is introduced through the rectum, where it is absorbed into the body and then travels through the bloodstream.

What This Means

Though there are many ways to receive chelation therapy, and they are all important steps to cleansing your body of heavy metal toxins, it is clear that not all methods are equal. Though incredibly effective, IV treatments require multiple visits to a Doctor’s Office on a regular basis and can prove to be very expensive. Topical cream, though non-invasive and convenient with its gentle detoxifying formula, often requires additional measures, like dietary supplements. Orally taken supplements enter the digestive system, travel through the body once, and then are eliminated through waste. Suppositories on the other hand are absorbed and travel through the body multiple times. They can be taken at nearly any time to fit your schedule and can be administered from the comfort of your own home. And among the different suppositories available, Kelamin HM has proven time and again to be the most cost-effective and time-efficient product on the market today. It is one of the best ways to remove large amounts of heavy metals from your body’s vital organs.

In today’s world, where public health is at the forefront of everybody’s mind, there has been no better time to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones. One practical way to do this is by securing yourself from heavy metal poisoning. This can be done in a number of ways. You need to track your exposure, adopt a healthy diet, avoid heavy metal-laden food, and if possible, seek chelation therapy through the use of suppositories. For more information, safety tips, and a wide array of detoxifying products, visit chelationhealthproducts.com. As always, be well, and thank you.


  1. Abate, Tom. (2019). A New Approach to Cleaning Heavy Metals Out of Soil.
  2. Athas, Grace B. Ph.D. (2009). Heavy Metal Poisoning. https://alliedhealth.lsuhsc.edu/Cl/CE/Spr2019/handouts/Athas_CLPC_HeavyMetalPoisoning002COLOR.pdf
  3. Schroeder, J.I., et al. (2001). Molecular Mechanism of Heavy Metal Detoxification and Accumulation in Plants. http://superfund.ucsd.edu/non-biomedical/molecular-mechanisms-heavy-metal-detoxification-and-accumulation-plants
  4. Sears, Margaret E. (2013). Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detox [Review]. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23690738/