Author Archives: team1

Detoxifying Your Workplace: A Guide to Environmental Wellness

In our fast-paced modern world, it’s easy to overlook the impact of environmental chemicals in the workplace on our overall health. From cleaning agents to air pollutants, these substances can accumulate over time, potentially leading to various health issues. However, with a mindful approach and some practical strategies, you can detoxify your workplace and create […]

Enhancing Your Body’s Detoxification With Supplements and Nutrient-Rich Foods

In today’s fast-paced and toxin-laden world, supporting our body’s natural detoxification processes has become crucial for maintaining optimal health. While a balanced diet rich in nutrients is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, incorporating certain supplements can further boost your body’s ability to eliminate toxins. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of EDTA, […]

3 Benefits of Lymphatic Detoxification

Did you know your body is an amazing organ capable of natural cleansing to ensure optimal health and wellness? Cellular function removes these harmful impurities as the body is exposed to toxins, heavy metals, and other stressors. The lymphatic system is essential for detoxifying the body and promoting overall health and wellness. Here are three […]

Oral Chelation vs IV Chelation: What’s the Difference?

Oral chelation diagram

Chelation therapy is a process of removing heavy metals that accumulate within the soft tissue of the body. When chelation agents are administered, they act like a magnet for metals as they sweep through the bloodstream, collecting heavy metals along the way. In fact, chelation is a derivative of the Latin word chelate, which means […]

What is Chelation Therapy? Process, Benefits, Chelating Agents

Chelation therapy diagram

When people encounter high levels of heavy metals in their bodies, they can exhibit a number of symptoms, such as nausea, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, fatigue, and more. Eventually, increased exposure to heavy metal toxicity can damage vital organs, such as the brain or liver. While our bodies may come into contact with metals […]

The Benefits of Antiviral Detoxification

If you struggle with frequent illness, you are not alone. Many people suffer from chronic illness and disease, often triggered by a weakened immune system. As oxidative stress and toxins enter the body, they break down the protective cellular barrier that protects the body from sickness. Antiviral detoxification offers many benefits, boosting cellular function and […]

Detoxify to Boost Health and Wellness

Did you know detoxification can boost your health and wellness? The immune system weakens as the body incurs toxins and other harmful impurities, triggering common health conditions. While the body has a natural and powerful detoxification system, boosting its ability with a few simple steps can improve your immunity and support longevity. Implement Supplements and […]

The Benefits of Thyroid Nascent Iodine

Iodine is a naturally occurring mineral found on the earth’s surface and it is essential for hormone and thyroid regulation and fetal development. Since the body doesn’t produce the mineral naturally, we must get the iodine we need from food and supplements. Here is what you need to know about thyroid nascent iodine and how […]

3 Ways Taking Multivitamins Can Improve Your Health

If you’re looking for ways to improve your health and wellness, adding multivitamins to your daily diet can help. Multivitamins help fill nutritional gaps, boosts your immunity, and much more. Here are three additional benefits of adding multivitamins to your daily routine. Boosts Energy Levels If you often feel tired after a good night’s sleep, […]

Top Cleansing Supplements For Optimal Health

Detoxifying and cleansing your body is essential to maintaining optimal health and wellness. Cleansing your system helps remove harmful toxins, heavy metals, and other impurities from your system to promote better organ function. Although your body can naturally detox, poor diet, illness, and other environmental factors can cause toxic buildup. Including cleansing supplements in your […]

How To Detox Your System From Heavy Metals

Exposure to heavy metals is more common than most people realize. Toxic metals can bind to your cells and can compromise the health and function of your organs. In some cases, it can lead to severe health issues. Detoxing your body can remove these harmful impurities from your system and promote better health and wellness. […]

What is Heavy Metal Detox & How it Can Improve Your Health

Heavy Metal Detox - Healthy Living

In Trying Times, Staying Healthy Has Never Been More Important It’s no secret, we’re living in a very trying time, filled with uncertainty, sickness, and grief. As a society we’re facing issues that we’ve never encountered before, and for many it can feel overwhelming. That’s why our team at Chelation health Products wanted to provide […]

What is EDTA and what does it do?

heart beat

EDTA or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acetate is a man-made amino acid that is widely used in canned and processed foods and in a wide range of other consumer products as well. EDTA has been used in our food supply and consumer products for decades providing much needed benefits. What is the history of EDTA and why is […]

Studies do show that EDTA Chelation is safe and effective

If you call the American Medical Association or ask your Doctor if Chelation Therapy can help with high blood pressure, unclog arteries, relieve Hypertension, improve Heart Disease or any number of health issues caused by toxic heavy metals chances are they will report that no studies have been done to document effectiveness of this treatment. […]

Why is EDTA Chelation not more accepted or popular?

EDTA chelation has been in use since the late 1940’s and while it has helped millions of people improve their health it is still unknown to the vast majority of people in the U.S. and around the world. For something that is so very helpful to everyone and with very little downside why isn’t it […]

KelaminHM: Dosage and Usage Recommendations

KelaminHM 1500mg Detox Safely

KelaminHM is the most effective EDTA Chelation product on the market today and probably the most effective chelator period. EDTA has been in constant use since the 1950’s and has helped millions of people around the world with heavy metal toxicity, circulatory issues, many degenerative diseases and other ailments. For decades I.V. EDTA infusions were […]

Cadmium Toxicity and EDTA Chelation

Cadmium is an extremely toxic heavy metal that is found most commonly in zinc ores and almost all of the Cadmium available today came from treating Copper, Lead and Zinc ores. Over 60 percent of Cadmium is used in electroplating but Cadmium is also used in color tv tubes, many types of solder, industrial paints, […]

Mercury toxicity and EDTA Chelation

Mercury is an element that is found naturally in the Earth’s crust and is present in our air, water and quite often in our food. It takes several forms including elemental Mercury, in-organic and organic Mercury. All are harmful to some extent to humans but some are much more harmful than others. When Mercury is […]

Detoxifying reactions using EDTA Chelation

Chelation Health Products Logo

Detoxification is the process of removing pollutants, bacteria and toxins including toxic heavy metals from your body. Your body is constantly detoxifying and removing these dangerous contaminants and it has a variety of ways that it does this. The primary pathways for detoxification in your body are the Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Lungs, Skin and the […]

Calcium, Calcification, and Arterial Plaque-The Same? Not!


During my 15 years of working in the dietary supplement, health and Chelation sectors I am asked quite a few different questions on a daily basis and spend quite a bit of time clarifying misconceptions that are pervasive in our society. I encounter everything from is Chelation Therapy safe? Is it effective for exactly what […]

Aluminum Toxicity – A serious health issue


We live in an increasingly toxic environment with massive emissions from mining and coal-fired energy plants, chemicals released into the air or dumped into our waterways from manufacturing, trash deposited on road sides or left to accumulate in dumps, chemicals in our food and even our drinking water. This has been going on for centuries […]

KelaminHM Cream: Effective, convenient and inexpensive!

Kelacream Chlation Creme

KelaminHM Cream is our newest EDTA Chelation product to come to market and it has made quite an immediate impact. KelaminHM Cream unlike KelaminHM suppositories is absorbed through the skin where it enters the blood stream to help remove toxic heavy metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum and Arsenic form your body. We know that the […]