Category Archives: Toxic Heavy Metals

What Are the Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning?

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Heavy metal poisoning can be an overlooked, under diagnosed concern for many individuals. The symptoms caused by toxic metals in the body can vary greatly depending on many factors, most importantly, the type of metal one is exposed to and the amount of that metal that has built up in the body’s system. Young children, […]

Another Vaping Danger: Toxic Metal Poisoning

EDTA Chelation Therapy

It is becoming more apparent that vaping isn’t a safe alternative to smoking. In 2019, doctors found that vaping, and vaping THC specifically, has the same potential of causing lung damage as smoking cigarettes. This damage comes in the form of introducing toxic metals into the body, possibly causing toxic metal poisoning.  E-liquids become aerosols […]

Heavy Metal Detox and Your Diet

EDTA Chelation Therapy

If you are using chelation therapy to treat toxic heavy metal poisoning, adjusting your diet might also be a helpful factor in maintaining your overall health. While there is not a scientifically proven diet to support heavy metal detoxification, some foods are believed to assist in the process and provide overall health support to your […]

Mercury Poisoning and Pregnancy—What Do You Need to Know?

EDTA Chelation Therapy

If you’ve ever been pregnant, your doctor has probably warned you about avoiding the consumption of seafood during your pregnancy, with one purpose in mind—eliminating the possibility of mercury poisoning.  Mercury is a naturally occurring element found in our environment, including some of the foods we eat. In particular, a certain level of mercury is […]

Heavy Metal Detox: Foods, Symptoms, & Treatments

Heavy Metal Detox: Foods, Symptoms, & Treatments

Heavy Metal Detox A Question of Clean Every responsible car owner knows that in order to ensure proper engine function, a routine oil-change must take place. Dirt, impurities, and even tiny metal fragments build up over the course of driving. In no time at all, you’ll find that it’s not just oil that needs replacing […]

5 Experts on Heavy Metal Detox Tactics

Toxic Heavy Metal Removal

5 Experts on Heavy Metal Detox Tactics It’s a sad fact that our bodies absorb or ingest heavy metals all the time. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the paints we touch, and even the beauty products we use. Arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, copper, lead, and mercury to just name a […]

Chronic Illness, The Immune System, & The Impact of Heavy Metals

Toxic Heavy Metal Removal

Heavy metals such as aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic can be found all around us in our day to day lives (A topic we’ve touched on previously in this forum, The Hazards of Heavy Metal Contamination). These toxic heavy metals are prevalent in the food we eat, the water we drink, materials we use […]

The Hazards of Heavy Metal Contamination

5 Hazardous Heavy Metal InfoGraphic

All of our EDTA Chelation products here at Chelation Health Products are designed with the goal to detoxify our client’s bodies from the toxins introduced by heavy metals, into their system. With that in mind we’ve decided to provide a brief review to outline the hazards associated with heavy metals, and the potential harm they […]

Chemicals in Chemtrails: Toxic metals and other pollutants from aerosol spraying are damaging our environment and ourselves!

Skyline at dusk with contrails across sky

Chemicals in Chemtrails: Toxic metals and other pollutants from aerosol spraying are damaging our environment and ourselves! The past couple of decades has seen the rise of chemtrails from aircraft that at times will criss/cross our skies and not dissipate for hours. Normal contrails are just water vapor that forms behind planes at high altitudes […]