Heavy Metal Toxicity—Should We Be Concerned?

The presence of heavy metals in baby food and cosmetics has been a newsworthy story for the last few years, but does the average person really need to worry about heavy metal toxicity? Heavy metal poisoning is a hot topic right now and many people are concerned about not only their health but the health of their children and family members. 

Heavy metal toxicity, while a serious condition, isn’t something the majority of people should be overly concerned about unless they are experiencing symptoms such as headache, vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, or chills. Because these symptoms are common with a host of other illnesses, it’s best to consult with your physician to get a professional diagnosis. Your doctor can perform tests to determine whether you have been exposed to harmful heavy metals or if something else is causing your symptoms.


Heavy Metal Occupation

Studies have indicated that the average person isn’t exposed to a large enough amount of heavy metals for poisoning to occur. It’s important to look at environmental factors such as occupations when evaluating your risk. People who work in industries such as construction and mining are more likely to be exposed to heavy metals over a long period of time. Also, people who live in older, unrenovated homes might be more at risk than people living in newly constructed residences because of the possibility of lead paints and other building materials that could contain lead or arsenic. 

As for the food we eat, mercury can be found in certain fish, but most people don’t consume enough sushi or tuna to make overexposure likely. Also, the FDA monitors and regulates the amount of metals present in foods. While the average person doesn’t need to worry about heavy metal toxicity, it’s probably a good idea to remain aware of our environment and our living and working conditions to keep possible heavy metal exposure to a minimum.

If you have concerns about heavy metals or are interested in learning more about detoxification and cleansing, contact the team at Chelation Health Products to see which products or supplements are right for you.