At-Home Heavy Metal Tests

As we hear more and more about the effects of heavy metals on our environment and the physical repercussions heavy metals have on our bodies, consumers might be concerned about whether they have been exposed to heavy metal toxins. A wide variety of symptoms can occur as heavy metals build up in the body. Headaches, vomiting, and fatigue are just a few of the possible symptoms. Some people might not want to wait until symptoms appear before they find out if they are experiencing heavy metal toxicity. While all symptoms should be reviewed with a physician, at-home heavy metal tests can be used to test urine and blood samples for heavy metal exposure.


lead poisoning blood sample


An at-home heavy metal test can be used to determine if you have had long-term or recent exposure to heavy metals. Lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury are some of the most commonly tested metals. At-home tests could be useful for people who work in industries that are likely to overexpose them to heavy metals, industries such as the automotive industry, construction, or mining. These tests could be performed more easily, more affordably, and on a more regular basis than trips to the doctor’s office. 

People who live in older homes that are more likely to have lead paint or arsenic in the insulation might also want to take an at-home heavy metal test or talk to their doctor. Heavy metals like lead can be found in the paint once used to paint homes before lead paint was banned for residential use in 1978. Similarly, prior to 1986’s Safe Drinking Water Act, many homes had lead water pipes or lead soldering at the pipe joints, exposing homeowners to heavy metal through their water systems. Once your physician or your child’s pediatrician becomes aware of any of the above concerns, they might conduct or recommend heavy metal testing to monitor the risk of exposure, particularly with children under the age of 6 whose brains are still developing.

safe drinking water act

Chelation Health Products carries a variety of detoxification products to help combat heavy metal poisoning and cleanse the body of other harmful substances. To learn more, visit our website or contact us today.