Improving Overall Health with Chelation Therapy

When operating independently, the body is a self-regulating organism capable of protecting and sustaining itself when provided with the proper nutrition and exercise it needs to maintain a healthy condition. Our body’s health is impacted when it encounters inhospitable living conditions, such as a viral infection or a toxic environment. When threatened, the body uses its natural processes to heal itself or remove the toxins. However, the human body is, well, human. It is vulnerable to weaknesses caused by prolonged damage and abuse when the body’s defenses can no longer keep up with the effects of poor nutrition, lack of exercise, chronic stress,  sleep deprivation, and environmental toxins. 

All these circumstances can interfere with the body’s ability to sustain itself. With the number of toxins found in the modern world, most of us could benefit from chelation therapy. Removing heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury from the body could improve overall health conditions. Heavy metals are known to cause or exacerbate inflammation and tissue damage. They can also lead to reduced brain function, neurodegeneration, fertility issues, a variety of cancers, high blood pressure, and heart disease. 

When chelation products are taken, the heavy metals bind to these substances and are then flushed out of the body in urine. However, chelation doesn’t just target the “bad” metals, so replacing those that are necessary for a healthy body is essential. It’s important to replace the healthy, essential minerals with a multivitamin or mineral supplement. Taking probiotics and eating cultured and fermented foods is also recommended to help replenish the good bacteria and balance the microbes in your gut, another crucial factor for overall physical health.

For more information on the health benefits of chelation therapy, reach out to the staff at Chelation Health Products. We’re available to answer any questions you might have.