4 Ways to Increase Your Immunity for Better Wellness

Many people today struggle with chronic illness and disease. These illnesses can keep you from performing daily tasks or doing activities you enjoy. Many factors contribute to illness and disease, such as genetics, autoimmune disorders, and lifestyle choices. Whatever the reason you’re looking to increase your immunity, here are four ways to give your immune system a boost and achieve better wellness.


1. Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet is the primary way to support a healthy immune system. Foods that are high in vitamin B, vitamin C, selenium, and zinc will support your immune system. Some popular foods are dark, leafy greens, peppers, citrus fruits, and berries. Try to avoid foods that have inflammatory properties, such as processed foods and those with artificial sugars. These foods can trigger inflammation in the body and alter your digestive health. Lean, organic protein, shrimp, and lentils are choices that have high levels of zinc, which can also boost your immune function.


2. Reduce Stress

Reducing stress is challenging for many people. However, the more your body harbors stress, the more it impairs your immune function. Chronic stress in the body can lead to more inflammation by altering cellular function. This can lead to chronic inflammation and illness, and even reduce mental awareness. Light exercise, meditation techniques, making time for social interaction, and reducing alcohol intake are a few ways to reduce stress in the body. Also, taking supplements or using products that contain melatonin, ashwagandha, or vitamin D, or using topical creams can lower pain and reduce stress.


3. Build an Exercise Routine

Studies show that light or moderate exercise can help boost your immunity and increase cellular function. Walking, yoga, and swimming are exercises that relax the mind and reduce stress, which can increase cardiovascular function and immunity.


4. Add Supplements to Your Diet

Most people don’t get the nutrition they need through their diet. Adding supplements can increase immunity by balancing the body’s natural defenses and increasing antibody protection to fight against illness.


Contact Chelation Health Products today to learn more about how our products can help increase your immunity for better overall wellness!