Overcoming the Side Effects of Chelation Therapy

nausea, headache, side effects of chelation healthOnce you’ve decided on chelation therapy to remove heavy metal toxins from your body, you need to be aware of what side effects might occur and what you can do to manage them. These side effects are usually easily controlled and have a minor impact on your health; however, there are some concerns and conditions you’ll want to monitor.

Because the chelation process also removes vitamins and minerals from the body along with the heavy metal toxins, you’ll want to make sure you replenish fluids and nutrients either during or immediately after the process. It’s possible to remove too much of a certain nutrient. For example, hypocalcemia, a potentially serious condition, occurs when calcium levels in the blood become too low.

Diarrhea often occurs as part of the chelation process, but it shouldn’t be viewed as a side effect. This discharge is actually part of the body’s chelation process. Frequent urination and heavy sweating are also part of how the treatment expels toxins from the body. If you are retaining fluids prior to your treatment, you might also experience a degree of weight loss as the excess fluids are removed. However, most of the side effects of chelation treatments result in a loss of nutrients and fluids. Supplements can help restore vitamins and minerals, and making sure to drink plenty of water will help you prevent dehydration. 

If the chelation dosage is too high, convulsion and joint pain might follow. Fatigue, low blood sugar, and dehydration might also cause severe headaches to occur. Dehydration can be caused by excess sweating, which might also cause magnesium loss. Cramping occurs due to the loss of salt, so magnesium supplements are a common recommendation for those taking chelation therapy. Also, low zinc and vitamin B6 could cause skin irritation, while sudden drops in blood pressure could cause fainting. Both zinc and vitamin B6 are easily replaced with supplements.  Overcoming the side effects of chelation treatment is easy if you stay alert to the signs and replace the missing nutrients and fluids you need to stay healthy. If you’d like to learn more about chelation therapy and how to replenish your body while cleansing it, contact Chelation Health Products today!