Heavy Metals and Childhood Behavior—What You Need to Know

Across the globe, concern is growing over the increased appearance of childhood behavioral disorders. Among the list of possible culprits, research is showing heavy metal toxicity might be an underlying cause for behavioral disorders such as ADHD, tics, and autism spectrum disorder. As a parent, you might be worried about your child’s overexposure to heavy metals. There are steps you can take to help your child avoid the risk heavy metals might pose to their health. Heavy metals can transfer from the mother to the fetus through the placenta and can affect the baby’s developing brain. That vulnerability continues through childhood when children’s brains are more sensitive to toxins.

To reduce exposure to heavy metals, follow these helpful steps:


Eliminate the use of aluminum pans during cooking.

Stainless steel or enameled cast iron pans are better options.


Avoid seafood with high mercury levels.

Mercury is found naturally in many species of seafood. To reduce overexposure to mercury, it is recommended that you eat Atlantic cod, shark, halibut, and swordfish in moderation. This doesn’t mean you have to avoid all seafood delicacies. Wild-caught Alaskan salmon, albacore tuna, and Pacific sardines are options that have the lowest amount of mercury.


Drink filtered water.

In most communities, municipalities filter the water to make it safe for human consumption. If you are concerned about heavy metal exposure, invest in a home water filtration system that will remove additional heavy metals.


Choose organic options.

Heavy metal toxicity can also be caused by contaminated soil. Animals and crops that are raised and harvested from contaminated soil might have high metal quantities.


Industrial exposure.

No one will deliberately expose their children to heavy metals, but the transfer from parent to child is possible when a parent works in certain industries. If your profession or that of your spouse involves heavy metal exposure, which is common in the construction and manufacturing fields, change your clothes and shower immediately after returning home from work. This will reduce the possibility of the heavy metals in dirt and dust contaminating your home.

For more information about heavy metal toxicity, reach out to Chelation Health Products today!