3 Ways Selenium Can Boost Your Overall Health

Finding new ways to boost immunity will improve your overall health and wellness. Selenium, among many other vitamins and minerals, can boost your immunity and turn your body into a powerhouse for optimal health. Here are three ways selenium can promote your health and support overall body function.

Selenium Provides Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants are essential for cellular function and overall health. They help remove toxins from the body, can rebuild cells, and will protect your body from illness and disease. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant used to reduce free radicals in the body that suppress the immune system. As antioxidants increase throughout the body, they reduce the risk of severe illnesses like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Improves Thyroid Function

The thyroid gland is an essential organ that regulates metabolism, growth, development, muscle function, digestive health, hormones, and brain function. Selenium helps fight oxidative stress, which can lower immunity and cellular defense. Consuming enough selenium through your diet or supplements can help boost thyroid function and can reduce the risk of thyroid disorders.

Boosts Brain Health

Oxidative stress causes a decline in physical and mental health, and may trigger neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Research shows consuming foods or supplements containing selenium may reduce the effects of cognitive decline and improve memory loss.

Supports a Strong Immune System

As a powerful antioxidant, selenium helps increase blood levels to support optimal immune function. People with lower selenium levels often struggle with cellular decline, leading to poor immunity. Studies show selenium is essential for cellular health, to reduce infections, and to protect against organ failure. This vital mineral is found in Brazil nuts, eggs, meat, poultry, certain breads, and multivitamin supplements.

If you want to learn more about how selenium can benefit your overall health, contact Chelation Health Products today. We look forward to helping you enhance your wellness and longevity.