What is Chelation Therapy?

Essentially Chelation Therapy is a substance, man-made or natural, that binds with a toxin and then is removed from your body either through the kidneys or bowels. As the world becomes ever more toxic, there is a greater chance that some of these toxins will find their way into your body potentially causing serious health issues which is why the need for Chelation Therapy is increasing and necessary. Our bodies already produce detoxifiers with the most effective being Glutathione, considered the Master Detoxifier. Glutathione is very effective at removing a wide range of toxins it cannot keep up with the amount of toxins we are bombarded with each day. Also due to the accumulation of this wide range of toxins it hampers the bodies ability to produce Glutathione and remove these toxins from your body. I will discuss the different types of Chelators, their benefits and drawbacks and which are safe and most effective. Will also focus primarily on some of the most damaging toxins, toxic Heavy Metals.

Compounding Detox

It’s a sad fact that toxins are all around us, from our drinking water, air, soil to consumer products like lipstick and hairs dyes to commercial manufacturing. It is a known fact that over 95% of people on the planet have a toxic heavy metal load, and that is not including all the other types of toxins, so no-one is completely safe. With that said there are things we can do to help ourselves like reduce the contact points where we encounter toxins including filtering your water, using a HEPA filter in your home and office, read labels on consumer products, remove Mercury dental amalgams, contact companies that do not list their products ingredients and we can help remove the toxins that have already made their way into our bodies. Natural Chelators like Chlorella and Cilantro remove toxic heavy metals like Mercury and Lead but they are considered low level Chelators and are not overly effective. Man-made Chelators like EDTA, DMSA and DMSO are far more effective at removing toxic heavy metals but they can be a bit more harsh on your system and more expensive.

DMSA-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid

DMSA is one of the most well known and effective Chelators on the market today. Also known Succimer DMSA is effective at removing Lead from your body, but is also a lower level Chelator for other toxic minerals such as Mercury, Lead, Aluminum and Arsenic. DMSA should be taken under a Doctors care as it can be harsh on your system.


DMPS also know as Dimival is another of the primary Chelators, but unlike DMSA DMPS is primarily used to remove Mercury from your body. Also like DMSA DMPS will remove other toxic heavy metals such as Lead, Aluminum, Arsenic and Cadmium but at a much lower rate than it does with Lead. DMPS should be taken under a Doctors care as it can be harsh on your system.

EDTA-Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

EDTA, like DMSA and DMPS, removes heavy metal toxins from your body. But EDTA removes the widest range of toxic heavy metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum, Arsenic and Cadmium but it is considered very safe and Oral EDTA and Suppository EDTA products do not need to be administered under a Doctors supervision. EDTA is on the FDA’s GRAS(generally regarded as safe) list and also used in consumer products like canned goods, body wash and shampoo. In terms of Chelating toxic heavy metals EDTA is by far the safest and most effective. EDTA suppositories have been around for over 20yrs and have proven to be the most effective and cost effective way to receive EDTA Chelation. EDTA suppositories are used in the comfort of your own home, are absorbed over an hour and a half, 95% of the EDTA is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, are very safe to use with blood tests not necessary and cost over 70% less than I.V. EDTA.

We all need to be aware of the potential toxins in our environment and do what we can to reduce the contact points and the possibility of absorbing these toxins into our bodies. Plus we need to remove and many of these toxins as possible to help improve and maintain our health.

For more information contact us at 866.573.9687 or email patrick@chelationhealthproducts.com